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Brindishe Friends Group (BFG)


The BFG (Brindishe Friends Group) is a registered charity which aims to raise funds and organise activities that bring together the Brindishe Green community and enrich the experience of all children at the school. We host annual Summer and Winter fairs, toy, book and bake sales, discos, games, competitions, and much more.

Find out more on our Linktree page

All parents and carers are automatically members of the BFG, as well as staff, governors and friends of Brindishe Green. Getting involved doesn't have to mean attending meetings or running events – it can also be sharing information about events, donating raffle prizes, or leading on a fundraising idea. If you have ideas or offers of help please get in touch at We’d love to hear from you.

What we’ve done to help

Over the past couple of years the BFG have provided funding for new library books, Year 6 leaver’s t-shirts, playground markings, book bags for reception children, pantomime afternoons, and more. We also stock a free food pantry, open to all Brindishe Green families.

BFG Pantry

The BFG Pantry is Brindishe Green’s free food pantry. It is stocked with cupboard essentials like pasta and rice, tinned and packaged foods, treats, toiletries and more. The pantry is open to any family in our school community.

Parents and families are welcome to collect a bag free of charge from the pantry at any time during term time. Email or call in at the school office to arrange collection.

About the pantry

The pantry is stocked by the Brindishe Friends Group (BFG), our parent, teacher and friends association, as part of our commitment to supporting all children and families at our school. 

Learning is a difficult thing to do when you’re hungry. Food accessibility and affordability is important for children to survive, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and to concentrate at school.

If you’d like to donate to the pantry or have ideas for what we could stock please email